On demand recomputing: the Memory class

Use case

The Memory class defines a context for lazy evaluation of function, by putting the results in a store, by default using a disk, and not re-running the function twice for the same arguments.

It works by explicitly saving the output to a file and it is designed to work with non-hashable and potentially large input and output data types such as numpy arrays.

A simple example:

First, define the cache directory:

>>> cachedir = 'your_cache_location_directory'

Then, instantiate a memory context that uses this cache directory:

>>> from joblib import Memory
>>> memory = Memory(cachedir, verbose=0)

After these initial steps, just decorate a function to cache its output in this context:

>>> @memory.cache
... def f(x):
...     print('Running f(%s)' % x)
...     return x

Calling this function twice with the same argument does not execute it the second time, the output is just reloaded from a pickle file in the cache directory:

>>> print(f(1))
Running f(1)
>>> print(f(1))

However, calling the function with a different parameter executes it and recomputes the output:

>>> print(f(2))
Running f(2)

Comparison with memoize

The memoize decorator (https://code.activestate.com/recipes/52201/) caches in memory all the inputs and outputs of a function call. It can thus avoid running twice the same function, with a very small overhead. However, it compares input objects with those in cache on each call. As a result, for big objects there is a huge overhead. Moreover this approach does not work with numpy arrays, or other objects subject to non-significant fluctuations. Finally, using memoize with large objects will consume all the memory, where with Memory, objects are persisted to disk, using a persister optimized for speed and memory usage (joblib.dump()).

In short, memoize is best suited for functions with “small” input and output objects, whereas Memory is best suited for functions with complex input and output objects, and aggressive persistence to disk.

Using with numpy

The original motivation behind the Memory context was to have a memoize-like pattern on numpy arrays. Memory uses fast cryptographic hashing of the input arguments to check if they have been computed.

An example

Define two functions: the first with a number as an argument, outputting an array, used by the second one. Both functions are decorated with Memory.cache:

>>> import numpy as np

>>> @memory.cache
... def g(x):
...     print('A long-running calculation, with parameter %s' % x)
...     return np.hamming(x)

>>> @memory.cache
... def h(x):
...     print('A second long-running calculation, using g(x)')
...     return np.vander(x)

If the function h is called with the array created by the same call to g, h is not re-run:

>>> a = g(3)
A long-running calculation, with parameter 3
>>> a
array([0.08, 1.  , 0.08])
>>> g(3)
array([0.08, 1.  , 0.08])
>>> b = h(a)
A second long-running calculation, using g(x)
>>> b2 = h(a)
>>> b2
array([[0.0064, 0.08  , 1.    ],
       [1.    , 1.    , 1.    ],
       [0.0064, 0.08  , 1.    ]])
>>> np.allclose(b, b2)

Using memmapping

Memmapping (memory mapping) speeds up cache looking when reloading large numpy arrays:

>>> cachedir2 = 'your_cachedir2_location'
>>> memory2 = Memory(cachedir2, mmap_mode='r')
>>> square = memory2.cache(np.square)
>>> a = np.vander(np.arange(3)).astype(float)
>>> square(a)
[Memory] Calling square...
square(array([[0., 0., 1.],
       [1., 1., 1.],
       [4., 2., 1.]]))
___________________________________________________________square - ...min
memmap([[ 0.,  0.,  1.],
        [ 1.,  1.,  1.],
        [16.,  4.,  1.]])


Notice the debug mode used in the above example. It is useful for tracing of what is being reexecuted, and where the time is spent.

If the square function is called with the same input argument, its return value is loaded from the disk using memmapping:

>>> res = square(a)
>>> print(repr(res))
memmap([[ 0.,  0.,  1.],
        [ 1.,  1.,  1.],
        [16.,  4.,  1.]])

The memmap file must be closed to avoid file locking on Windows; closing numpy.memmap objects is done with del, which flushes changes to the disk

>>> del res


If the memory mapping mode used was ‘r’, as in the above example, the array will be read only, and will be impossible to modified in place.

On the other hand, using ‘r+’ or ‘w+’ will enable modification of the array, but will propagate these modification to the disk, which will corrupt the cache. If you want modification of the array in memory, we suggest you use the ‘c’ mode: copy on write.

Shelving: using references to cached values

In some cases, it can be useful to get a reference to the cached result, instead of having the result itself. A typical example of this is when a lot of large numpy arrays must be dispatched across several workers: instead of sending the data themselves over the network, send a reference to the joblib cache, and let the workers read the data from a network filesystem, potentially taking advantage of some system-level caching too.

Getting a reference to the cache can be done using the call_and_shelve method on the wrapped function:

>>> result = g.call_and_shelve(4)
A long-running calculation, with parameter 4
>>> result  
MemorizedResult(location="...", func="...g...", args_id="...")

Once computed, the output of g is stored on disk, and deleted from memory. Reading the associated value can then be performed with the get method:

>>> result.get()
array([0.08, 0.77, 0.77, 0.08])

The cache for this particular value can be cleared using the clear method. Its invocation causes the stored value to be erased from disk. Any subsequent call to get will cause a KeyError exception to be raised:

>>> result.clear()
>>> result.get()  
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'Non-existing cache value (may have been cleared).\nFile ... does not exist'

A MemorizedResult instance contains all that is necessary to read the cached value. It can be pickled for transmission or storage, and the printed representation can even be copy-pasted to a different python interpreter.

Shelving when cache is disabled

In the case where caching is disabled (e.g. Memory(None)), the call_and_shelve method returns a NotMemorizedResult instance, that stores the full function output, instead of just a reference (since there is nothing to point to). All the above remains valid though, except for the copy-pasting feature.


  • Across sessions, function cache is identified by the function’s name. Thus assigning the same name to different functions, their cache will override each-others (e.g. there are ‘name collisions’), and unwanted re-run will happen:

    >>> @memory.cache
    ... def func(x):
    ...     print('Running func(%s)' % x)
    >>> func2 = func
    >>> @memory.cache
    ... def func(x):
    ...     print('Running a different func(%s)' % x)

    As long as the same session is used, there are no collisions (in joblib 0.8 and above), although joblib does warn you that you are doing something dangerous:

    >>> func(1)
    Running a different func(1)
    >>> # FIXME: The next line should create a JolibCollisionWarning but does not
    >>> # memory.rst:0: JobLibCollisionWarning: Possible name collisions between functions 'func' (<doctest memory.rst>:...) and 'func' (<doctest memory.rst>:...)
    >>> func2(1)  
    Running func(1)
    >>> func(1) # No recomputation so far
    >>> func2(1) # No recomputation so far

    But suppose the interpreter is exited and then restarted, the cache will not be identified properly, and the functions will be rerun:

    >>> # FIXME: The next line will should create a JoblibCollisionWarning but does not. Also it is skipped because it does not produce any output
    >>> # memory.rst:0: JobLibCollisionWarning: Possible name collisions between functions 'func' (<doctest memory.rst>:...) and 'func' (<doctest memory.rst>:...)
    >>> func(1) 
    Running a different func(1)
    >>> func2(1)  
    Running func(1)

    As long as the same session is used, there are no needless recomputation:

    >>> func(1) # No recomputation now
    >>> func2(1) # No recomputation now
  • lambda functions

    Beware that with Python 2.7 lambda functions cannot be separated out:

    >>> def my_print(x):
    ...     print(x)
    >>> f = memory.cache(lambda : my_print(1))
    >>> g = memory.cache(lambda : my_print(2))
    >>> f()
    >>> f()
    >>> g() 
    memory.rst:0: JobLibCollisionWarning: Cannot detect name collisions for function '<lambda>'
    >>> g() 
    >>> f() 
  • memory cannot be used on some complex objects, e.g. a callable object with a __call__ method.

    However, it works on numpy ufuncs:

    >>> sin = memory.cache(np.sin)
    >>> print(sin(0))
  • caching methods: memory is designed for pure functions and it is not recommended to use it for methods. If one wants to use cache inside a class the recommended pattern is to cache a pure function and use the cached function inside your class, i.e. something like this:

    def compute_func(arg1, arg2, arg3):
        # long computation
        return result
    class Foo(object):
        def __init__(self, args):
            self.data = None
        def compute(self):
            self.data = compute_func(self.arg1, self.arg2, 40)

    Using Memory for methods is not recommended and has some caveats that make it very fragile from a maintenance point of view because it is very easy to forget about these caveats when a software evolves. If this cannot be avoided (we would be interested about your use case by the way), here are a few known caveats:

    1. a method cannot be decorated at class definition, because when the class is instantiated, the first argument (self) is bound, and no longer accessible to the Memory object. The following code won’t work:

      class Foo(object):
          @memory.cache  # WRONG
          def method(self, args):

      The right way to do this is to decorate at instantiation time:

      class Foo(object):
          def __init__(self, args):
              self.method = memory.cache(self.method)
          def method(self, ...):
    2. The cached method will have self as one of its arguments. That means that the result will be recomputed if anything with self changes. For example if self.attr has changed calling self.method will recompute the result even if self.method does not use self.attr in its body. Another example is changing self inside the body of self.method. The consequence is that self.method will create cache that will not be reused in subsequent calls. To alleviate these problems and if you know that the result of self.method does not depend on self you can use self.method = memory.cache(self.method, ignore=['self']).

  • joblib cache entries may be invalidated after environment updates. Values returned by joblib.hash() are not guaranteed to stay constant across joblib versions. This means that all entries of a Memory cache can get invalidated when upgrading joblib. Invalidation can also happen when upgrading a third party library (such as numpy): in such a case, only the cached function calls with parameters that are constructs (or contain references to constructs) defined in the upgraded library should potentially be invalidated after the upgrade.

  • Cache-miss with objects that have non-reproducible pickle representations. The identifier of the cache entry is based on the pickle’s representation of the input arguments. Therefor, for objects that don’t have a deterministic pickle representation, or objects whose representation depends on the way they are constructed, the cache will not work. In particular, pytorch.Tensor are known to have non-deterministic pickle representation (see this issue). A good way to debug this is to check that two calls to the following script with args and kwargs being the cached function’s inputs give the same output:

    from joblib import hash
    for x in args:
    for k, x in kwargs.items():

    To avoid this issue, a good practice is to use Memory.cache with functions that take simple input arguments when possible.

Ignoring some arguments

It may be useful not to recalculate a function when certain arguments change, for instance a debug flag. Memory provides the ignore list:

>>> @memory.cache(ignore=['debug'])
... def my_func(x, debug=True):
...     print('Called with x = %s' % x)
>>> my_func(0)
Called with x = 0
>>> my_func(0, debug=False)
>>> my_func(0, debug=True)
>>> # my_func was not reevaluated

Custom cache validation

In some cases, external factors can invalidate the cached results and one wants to have more control on whether to reuse a result or not.

This is for instance the case if the results depends on database records that change over time: a small delay in the updates might be tolerable but after a while, the results might be invalid.

One can have a finer control on the cache validity specifying a function via cache_validation_callback in cache(). For instance, one can only cache results that take more than 1s to be computed.

>>> import time
>>> def cache_validation_cb(metadata):
...     # Only retrieve cached results for calls that take more than 1s
...     return metadata['duration'] > 1
>>> @memory.cache(cache_validation_callback=cache_validation_cb)
... def my_func(delay=0):
...     time.sleep(delay)
...     print(f'Called with {delay}s delay')
>>> my_func()
Called with 0s delay
>>> my_func(1.1)
Called with 1.1s delay
>>> my_func(1.1)  # This result is retrieved from cache
>>> my_func()  # This one is not and the call is repeated
Called with 0s delay

cache_validation_cb will be called with a single argument containing the metadata of the cached call as a dictionary containing the following keys:

  • duration: the duration of the function call,

  • time: the timestamp when the cache called has been recorded

  • input_args: a dictionary of keywords arguments for the cached function call.

Note a validity duration for cached results can be defined via joblib.expires_after() by providing similar with arguments similar to the ones of a datetime.timedelta:

>>> from joblib import expires_after
>>> @memory.cache(cache_validation_callback=expires_after(seconds=0.5))
... def my_func():
...     print(f'Function run')
>>> my_func()
Function run
>>> my_func()
>>> time.sleep(0.5)
>>> my_func()
Function run

Reference documentation of the Memory class

class joblib.Memory(location=None, backend='local', mmap_mode=None, compress=False, verbose=1, bytes_limit=None, backend_options=None)

A context object for caching a function’s return value each time it is called with the same input arguments.

All values are cached on the filesystem, in a deep directory structure.

Read more in the User Guide.

location: str, pathlib.Path or None

The path of the base directory to use as a data store or None. If None is given, no caching is done and the Memory object is completely transparent. This option replaces cachedir since version 0.12.

backend: str, optional

Type of store backend for reading/writing cache files. Default: ‘local’. The ‘local’ backend is using regular filesystem operations to manipulate data (open, mv, etc) in the backend.

mmap_mode: {None, ‘r+’, ‘r’, ‘w+’, ‘c’}, optional

The memmapping mode used when loading from cache numpy arrays. See numpy.load for the meaning of the arguments.

compress: boolean, or integer, optional

Whether to zip the stored data on disk. If an integer is given, it should be between 1 and 9, and sets the amount of compression. Note that compressed arrays cannot be read by memmapping.

verbose: int, optional

Verbosity flag, controls the debug messages that are issued as functions are evaluated.

bytes_limit: int | str, optional

Limit in bytes of the size of the cache. By default, the size of the cache is unlimited. When reducing the size of the cache, joblib keeps the most recently accessed items first. If a str is passed, it is converted to a number of bytes using units { K | M | G} for kilo, mega, giga.

Note: You need to call joblib.Memory.reduce_size() to actually reduce the cache size to be less than bytes_limit.

Note: This argument has been deprecated. One should give the value of bytes_limit directly in joblib.Memory.reduce_size().

backend_options: dict, optional

Contains a dictionary of named parameters used to configure the store backend.

__init__(location=None, backend='local', mmap_mode=None, compress=False, verbose=1, bytes_limit=None, backend_options=None)
depth: int, optional

The depth of objects printed.

name: str, optional

The namespace to log to. If None, defaults to joblib.

cache(func=None, ignore=None, verbose=None, mmap_mode=False, cache_validation_callback=None)

Decorates the given function func to only compute its return value for input arguments not cached on disk.

func: callable, optional

The function to be decorated

ignore: list of strings

A list of arguments name to ignore in the hashing

verbose: integer, optional

The verbosity mode of the function. By default that of the memory object is used.

mmap_mode: {None, ‘r+’, ‘r’, ‘w+’, ‘c’}, optional

The memmapping mode used when loading from cache numpy arrays. See numpy.load for the meaning of the arguments. By default that of the memory object is used.

cache_validation_callback: callable, optional

Callable to validate whether or not the cache is valid. When the cached function is called with arguments for which a cache exists, this callable is called with the metadata of the cached result as its sole argument. If it returns True, then the cached result is returned, else the cache for these arguments is cleared and recomputed.

decorated_func: MemorizedFunc object

The returned object is a MemorizedFunc object, that is callable (behaves like a function), but offers extra methods for cache lookup and management. See the documentation for joblib.memory.MemorizedFunc.


Erase the complete cache directory.

eval(func, *args, **kwargs)

Eval function func with arguments *args and **kwargs, in the context of the memory.

This method works similarly to the builtin apply, except that the function is called only if the cache is not up to date.

format(obj, indent=0)

Return the formatted representation of the object.

reduce_size(bytes_limit=None, items_limit=None, age_limit=None)

Remove cache elements to make the cache fit its limits.

The limitation can impose that the cache size fits in bytes_limit, that the number of cache items is no more than items_limit, and that all files in cache are not older than age_limit.

bytes_limit: int | str, optional

Limit in bytes of the size of the cache. By default, the size of the cache is unlimited. When reducing the size of the cache, joblib keeps the most recently accessed items first. If a str is passed, it is converted to a number of bytes using units { K | M | G} for kilo, mega, giga.

items_limit: int, optional

Number of items to limit the cache to. By default, the number of items in the cache is unlimited. When reducing the size of the cache, joblib keeps the most recently accessed items first.

age_limit: datetime.timedelta, optional

Maximum age of items to limit the cache to. When reducing the size of the cache, any items last accessed more than the given length of time ago are deleted.

Useful methods of decorated functions

Functions decorated by Memory.cache are MemorizedFunc objects that, in addition of behaving like normal functions, expose methods useful for cache exploration and management. For example, you can use func.check_call_in_cache to check if a cache hit will occur for a decorated func given a set of inputs without actually needing to call the function itself:

>>> @memory.cache
... def func(x):
...     print('Running func(%s)' % x)
...     return x
>>> type(func)
<class 'joblib.memory.MemorizedFunc'>
>>> func(1)
Running func(1)
>>> func.check_call_in_cache(1)  # cache hit
>>> func.check_call_in_cache(2)  # cache miss
class joblib.memory.MemorizedFunc(func, location, backend='local', ignore=None, mmap_mode=None, compress=False, verbose=1, timestamp=None, cache_validation_callback=None)

Callable object decorating a function for caching its return value each time it is called.

Methods are provided to inspect the cache or clean it.

func: callable

The original, undecorated, function.

location: string

The location of joblib cache. Depends on the store backend used.

backend: str

Type of store backend for reading/writing cache files. Default is ‘local’, in which case the location is the path to a disk storage.

ignore: list or None

List of variable names to ignore when choosing whether to recompute.

mmap_mode: {None, ‘r+’, ‘r’, ‘w+’, ‘c’}

The memmapping mode used when loading from cache numpy arrays. See numpy.load for the meaning of the different values.

compress: boolean, or integer

Whether to zip the stored data on disk. If an integer is given, it should be between 1 and 9, and sets the amount of compression. Note that compressed arrays cannot be read by memmapping.

verbose: int, optional

The verbosity flag, controls messages that are issued as the function is evaluated.

cache_validation_callback: callable, optional

Callable to check if a result in cache is valid or is to be recomputed. When the function is called with arguments for which a cache exists, the callback is called with the cache entry’s metadata as its sole argument. If it returns True, the cached result is returned, else the cache for these arguments is cleared and the result is recomputed.

__init__(func, location, backend='local', ignore=None, mmap_mode=None, compress=False, verbose=1, timestamp=None, cache_validation_callback=None)
depth: int, optional

The depth of objects printed.

name: str, optional

The namespace to log to. If None, defaults to joblib.

call(*args, **kwargs)

Force the execution of the function with the given arguments.

The output values will be persisted, i.e., the cache will be updated with any new values.

*args: arguments

The arguments.

**kwargs: keyword arguments

Keyword arguments.


The output of the function call.


The metadata associated with the call.

check_call_in_cache(*args, **kwargs)

Check if function call is in the memory cache.

Does not call the function or do any work besides func inspection and arg hashing.

is_call_in_cache: bool

Whether or not the result of the function has been cached for the input arguments that have been passed.


Empty the function’s cache.

Helper Reference

joblib.expires_after(days=0, seconds=0, microseconds=0, milliseconds=0, minutes=0, hours=0, weeks=0)

Helper cache_validation_callback to force recompute after a duration.

days, seconds, microseconds, milliseconds, minutes, hours, weeks: numbers

argument passed to a timedelta.